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October 09, 2006



Oh God, the operation sounds so painful that you have to take heavy duty painkillers for it. I don't envy you. Good that Buu was there.

And the orgasmic feeling? I would be just like you, not quite sure if it is a very good or a bad thing. Multiple O in one day would be distracting....Especially if you could only have it when you pee;-) Can't sit on the toilet bowl all day can you? ;-)))

p.s I am glad you are well again!!!

mama rock

ana, glad you are recovering, take care!


Ms J,
My theory is when a doctor was scraping a tiny bit of foreign tissue from my cervic he might have hit some nerves on vagina wall and short-circuit those nerves, and tara..................
And Ms J, six weeks is not long, a girl needs time to recuperate right?

I'm hearing this sound.......kaching!!! :))And I'm seeing myself in batik wrap dozing on a hammock on a quiet sandy beach somewhere far far away from new england brutal winter.

that is a positive persfective.love it.


Funny! Although, it would drive me crazy to be almost-there-but-not-quite. Maybe it is a small compensation for what you've been through.


darling if you could bottle and sell this, you would be a rich, rich woman.

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